When an oil rig or other major parts are outdated, a whole new project is required. How to dismantle the installation, where to send the scrap, which parts to be recycled and which one can be sold, how to handle the waste. How to solve the decom project overall, in a reliable and safe manner, are some of the questions raised.

In close cooperation with waste management specialists, we are operating at decommissioning ready facilities around the North Sea. We can offer you a full project scope, or single shipments of decom parts from your project, to/from your decom locations, etc. 

Our specialists within forwarding, shipping, risk management, and project management take special care of your cargo and your project requirements. Ensuring that you will receive your materials and machine parts on time, on cost and with the agreed quality. 

Our business unit for projects and special has an extensive network of partners on your side, and we guarantee that your offshore decom project runs smoothly.

We offer you high-quality logistics solutions around the clock, 365 days a year.